
Fully Booked



Saturday 11th November 2023
10am - 5pm
Tutor: Stuart Pool

£105 per person

fully booked

This one-day workshop will give you a solid overview of many of the key topics relating to gems and gemmology, covering scientific aspects of the subject, the journey of a gemstone and the practical side of gem properties and identification. You will learn to use some of the main gemmologist’s tools and have a chance to examine a wide range of gemstones.

The main areas covered are:
The World of Gemstones
Properties & Identification
Gemstone formation
Physical and optical properties
Tools & instruments
Practical tasks for gem identification
Buying tips

This course is suitable for beginners to the subject and will also interest those with some previous knowledge, such as jewellery makers who want to learn more about the materials they use.

Students need only bring their energy and enthusiasm, plus something for making notes. Everything else will be provided. A gemstone reference book (RRP £10) is included in the price.